
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Copper River Salmon

Yes, it's our favorite time of year! You might think it's because the sun is finally showing it's existence after a long dreary winter, or that our peony's are just on the verge of blooming or that there are only 19 school days left. But it's not because of any of those also very good reasons. It's our favorite time of year because it's Copper River Salmon time.

Oh, yes we anxiously await this exciting few weeks every year. And believe us if you've never had Copper River salmon before it is worth waiting for. We go super simple when preparing Copper River salmon because it needs so little to be amazing. This time we went with the sockeye.

We rub it with a light coating of extra virgin olive oil and a generous sprinkling of Tom Douglas' Rub with Love and we call it good. On the grill until lightly firm, we like a medium-rare piece of salmon.

For this occasion we served our salmon along side some grilled asparagus and a 2010 Napa Chardonnay from Freemark Abbey. A new winery to us. But this was a slightly oaky Chardonnay that paired well with the salmon. We typically serve salmon with an Oregon Pinot Noir or a Washington Rose' but lately G has been liking the California Chardonnays.

Copper River is only here for a short time so we hope to indulge and have at least a time or two more before we have to wait again until next spring.If you can find some we recommend taking the splurge and enjoy some the best tasting salmon.

1 comment:

  1. Mmm. we have had it twice so far; both times grilled with a bit of olive oil and a dousing with lemon pepper and once was asparagus and once was corn on the cob. One meal was accompanied by an Apex Chardonnay and one by some off brand and lovely Frenc Rose. Yum!


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