
Monday, January 16, 2012

Jalapeno Beef with Cheese Polenta and Chile Sauce

This is one our favorite dishes. Jalapeno beef is perfect for midweek or also a great quick dinner for guests.

It also originated from our trusty Cuisine At Home resource. We've changed up the recipe a bit though.

Using a flat iron steak broiled with a chipotle & garlic rub is switched with the called for sirloin. Roasting the jalapenos instead of sauteing them with sugar at the end is another switch we make.

The pepper sauce is what makes the dish fabulous in my opinion. Made from fried dried chiles, some chicken broth and crushed tomatoes.

Served over  cheesy polenta. Yum, its a wonderful meal.

Served with 2009 Pine & Post Merlot.

Recipe: Jalapeno Beef adapted from Cuisine at Home (Issue 59)

1/2 cup diced onion
2 dried chiles, torn (calls to be seeded...we like things a bit kicky so we keep the seeds)
1 corn tortilla, torn
1 clove garlic, crushed
2T. vegetable oil
1 cup chicken broth
1/2 cup canned crushed tomatoes
1 T. lemon juice
Salt & pepper
3 1/2 cups water
1 cup polenta
1 cup shredded white cheddar cheese
1 flat iron steak (rub with garlic & onion powder, chipotle pepper, salt & pepper)
3 jalapenos

Saute onion, chiles, tortillla, and garlic for the sauce in oil over medium heat. Cook until onions soften. Add broth & tomatoes. Simmer over medium heat. Transfer sauce to blender. Puree with lemon juice. Season with salt & pepper.

Make polenta. Boil water and gradually add in polenta and salt. Cook 5 minutes over low heat. Keep warm off heat. Add cheese just before serving.

Broil jalapenos and flat iron steak at high until cooked to a temperature of 120 on meat thermometer (if you like it rare.) Remove steak and let set under foil for 10 minutes before slicing at an angle. Chop roasted jalapenos.
Serve beef over polenta with chile sauce and jalapenos.

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