
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Recovering from Vacation

We are sadly back to the real world and even sadder to the 40 degree weather that about made me refuse to walk out the airport doors when we arrived in Seattle late last night. Cabo San Lucas brought much needed rest, relaxation and rejuvenation back to our souls which happily it always does for us.

But it does take a few days to recover from all that relaxation & frankly the large quantities of  alcohol consumed.

But there was great meals, views, cooking and drinks to be shared later this week once the jet lag really wears off.

But for now here's a typical day in Cabo...well we should state that more correctly; a typical day in Cabo for US!

Usually the day starts with a trip to the gym or walk/run. A meager attempt to burn the many calories consumed.

My typical daily Cabo breakfast of fruit, yogurt & granola on the patio

G's DAILY Huevos Rancheros that he craves all year to make each vacation

Time at the pool overlooking the Sea of Cortez in my favorite spot

The first Cerveza of the day...I'm sure it was at least Noon!

Some mid morning iguana gawking poolside.

Uno mas cerveza poolside.

The day always includes a swim for G.

Back to the "villa" that we call a room or condo to make a late afternoon snack.

Typically shredded chicken tostadas or sope's depending on the day & our mood.

Back to the pool for more relaxing, sunning, cervezas  and whale watching. We actually lost count of how many whales we saw just sitting by the pool by day 2..

From here the afternoons vary. On an afternoon that we decide to stay at the resort , which is more days than not on most of our yearly trips these days, it might include: 

Maybe a change of location down to a palapa on the beach?

The options are always tough to decide upon...

Maybe a sunset walk on the beach to comb for rocks or seaglass?

or maybe just a beach stroll to take in the never ending beauty ...

..and wave crashing of  the ocean.

or maybe just a stroll enjoying the beauty of  miles on the resort...

the flowers on the resort are always beautifully manicured...

..the Mexican appreciation of aesthetic beauty is everywhere around the resort...

Maybe an early evening walk up to the lobby bar for a margarita...

The evening views from the lobby bar are amazing!

or we might enjoy a sit by the "fugata" before the crowd comes to listen to the evening Mexican guitar performance.

But all Cabo evenings end.....

on the patio overlooking the Sea of Cortez...

...with a cocktail and a late evening snack.

Enjoying the beauty.....

until the next day that we again wake up to this in Los Cabos....


  1. Ahh Mexico looks beautiful... Welcome home to Seattle. It's supposed to rain tomorrow :( but hey, at least I can look at your vacation pics and pretend I'm there ;-) All the best!

  2. Glad we could share some sunshine with you Kimberly .

  3. Well that was the most refreshing blog post I've read in a long while. Do you ever take guests?! {kidding~sort-of} xo

  4. Katie-We'd love to meet you guys there, G says "we always take select cousins looking for some sun!" But seriously we might just have to plan doing that some day soon. We'd love to relax and take in some sun & drinks with you guys! Hope you're all well. We're looking forward to T's visit this weekend.


We'd love to hear about your favorite meals, restaurants, or wines, as well as anything else you'd like to share.....