
Monday, April 4, 2011

Our One BIG Night Out in Cabo...Nick San Sushi

Acceptingly we are way past our twenties, even past our thirties now,  the Cabo spring break experience you may envision (or even had yourself in your twenties) or see on TV is so NOT our spring break experience. Oh believe that we know it exists still but we've never been to El Squid Roe

 and only handled about 1 beer at The Giggling Marlin several years ago when we came down with 3 other couples.

 Both these places are where you'd likely read about "that infamous spring break experience" happening. Not our scene.

The over 30 crowd at The Nowhere Bar on the Marina or Cabo Wabo is about as much of the party scene as we can tolerate in our forties.

Good Times at The Nowhere Bar w/ Friends in 2007

For us Cabo is about sun, surf & relaxation mostly.

Our usual form of enjoying Cabo
 And if we weren't forced (by the schedule of ethical educators who do use leave appropriately) to only vacation with most Americans we would never choose to vacation in Mexico during HIGH season...high = more expensive + crowded.

But about 7 years ago now through T's parents, who had a time share in Cabo, we were able to get a great deal to go down and stay..the catch being we'd have to sit through a time share presentation. At the time we were determined "no big deal" we'd never buy a time share...NO WAY! Well obviously those were famous last words.

We walked into this paradise at Fiesta America and thought "who wouldn't want to do this for the next 40 years"....long story... not so short we've been owners of this paradise for 6 years now and after 2 upgrades and at least 8 visits back to Cabo we now own 2 weeks in a studio or 1 week in a 1 bdrm condo....and really except for every January when that always increasing maintenance bill comes we've never regretted it and we just keep going back.

We couldn't resist wanting to return for the next 40 years to this paradise
Actually through this membership we can go to almost any popular resort town in Mexico and truly in the world, anytime of the year...T just really needs a break by late March to get through the rest of her school year and since we only get 1 week for Spring Break Los Cabos works out is only a 4 hour flight from Seattle..we can count on at least 80 degrees daily for T and it has surfing & fishing for G when he's in the mood. With only 6-7 days at our leisure running around, seeing sights, etc...isn't what we are looking for.

Sunset Wine & Jazz Cruise 2008
Although Cabo has all that...swimming with dolphins, surfing, Zip lines, dune buggies, fishing, snorkeling, art, the pirate ship, sunset cruises,shopping, culture tours...most of all of this we've done on our many trips back and will again when we bring guests but when it's just us we just want to "chill" which we did full board on this trip.

Snorkeling on Pez Gato 2006

Snorkeling in 2007..surprisingly it was too cold to snorkel this trip so it quickly became a booze cruize of sorts
This spring we only made 1 trip into town for a late afternoon walk through town and dinner out for sushi.

This was our BIG NIGHT Out IN CABO 2011

We took the 4:00 shuttle in and hit the town. Now like most of Mexico's resort towns they do cater to Americans with McDonalds, Starbucks & Subway (of which we are Not sad to report that we've never stepped foot into with exception of Starbucks this time only b/c G has started collecting their cityscape mugs from cities he visits...Cabo didn't have them.)

After our brief walk into Starbucks we hit our favorite tourist side streets for some shopping. On our list this visit: a t-shirt for T's dad, a replacement salsa bowl for T's secretary, our annual ornament & magnet, & always we are on the lookout for just "that right new addition to our "Mexico" collection.

On past trips we've hauled back our coveted mojacete and patio star trips. Don't get G started on those carry on experiences.

Our beloved mojacete purchased and lovingly lugged back by G on our 2nd or 3rd Cabo trip

We happened to come across the cigar shop that was advertising "Big Papa"Mojito that we used to get at our fav Cabo bar Hemingway's that closed down a few years ago to our continued disappointment.

Enjoying Big Papa Mojitos at Hemingway's in 2007

 We figured it was worth a try & low and behold it was the owner of Hemingway's, even still selling Hemingway t-shirts (which was a first Cabo T-shirt purchase for G himself)

Big Pap Mojito 2011
 and the same fondly remembered Mojitos. Of course we indulged..big shocker there.

Where Hemingway's used to be some place called Choppers

Next we hit the streets & shops again and then we ended up at one of our favorite little plazas next to Sammy Hagar's famous Cabo Wabo (which we skipped this trip as we had 7:00 dinner reservations) but we hit a well visited little bar called Rips in the plaza for a margarita, some great people watching, child vendor buying and mariachi band viewing while waiting for dinner.

Some peddler children taking a break to play from selling

A sign w/in the Cabo Wabo plaza that I'm pretty sure is ignored most nights

Cabo Wabo 2008
Next was dinner at Nick San which according to many frequent Cabo visitors is fairly famous but we hadn't been there after all these visits. But after hitting every marina food joint, the top notch restaurant choices at our own & neighboring resorts and the must "Mi Casa" ... the past few trips we've chose to narrow it down to 1 new splurge meal to indulge in each trip and this time very surprisingly we both threw out the Nick San idea.

To be honest depending on which review site you read it was really a toss up: we knew it would be spendy for Cabo standards and we also knew the fish was freshly caught daily so we decided to just go for it...hey we know we are committed to coming back for at least the next 38 more years after our last upgrade so we can try the other ideas in the many years available to yet come back.

We hit the restaurant a bit early and it was pretty empty so they were fine with seating us early.
Because we evidently thought that we hadn't enough to drink yet for the evening we immediately ordered our next margarita while we looked over the menu.

We had read in one of the recommendation magazines that ordering the "chef's special" not listed on the menu was a good idea especially if you've never eaten there before. And since we were swimming giddy with alcohol at this point we decided not making decisions was a fine idea for us.

The first course was a tuna tostada. Super delicious. Can still remember how fresh the tuna tasted and the great flavor of sesame oil (I guess we weren't that sloshed..yet.)

It was followed with a dish called Black & White Tuna
 it was equally wonderful with crispy garlic slivers.

Next came my favorite dish of the night; salmon rolls stuffed with crab and some sort of wonderful sauce. Can't really remember if it was a wasabi or horseradish sauce. But I do remember I loved that sauce.

Next arrived two different types of rolls; 1 crab and 1 lobster, wrapped in phyllo which was interesting but also very good! It was time for the next Margarita, oh yes, OH MY! Are you counting yet?
As the above photo documents it does start to get a bit fuzzy from here, oops! Next came some sort of pot sticker,we think they were shrimp.
Followed by an interesting Sea Bass Rib Tempura
This dish was a bit over cooked and honestly kind of weird.But neither of us would consider ourself a sushi expert so we were okay with a bit weird.

Next came the last dish, truly FINALLY, Wow it was a feast.
Salmon in Curry Sauce.

This one was great. The salmon again was bit overcooked but the curry sauce I'm still craving as I'm writing this post.

By this point we were absolutely stuffed and truly in need of some fresh air and a walk on the marina.

Okay, we'll admit photos are serving as a helpful reminder of what happened from here.
Evidently I thought we needed a photo of the dolphin statue on the marina?

As well as this random yacht ???
And even more random this tub of spiny lobsters?? Although I do remember G asking why I was taking a picture of the lobsters...

 And finally we made it over to our always  'a must visit' marina bar, The Nowhere Bar...where evidently it was 2 for 1 margarita night so when G ordered us each 1 more they brought us 2.

Which also we evidently went ahead and drank.

We evidently also had some random stranger take our photo and it's a good thing he didn't get the flash quite right because I'm sure it would be very evident that  we had consumed far too many cocktails in clearer view.

And one last shot of G saying we have to go home we're going to miss the shuttle back to the resort," NO more photos"

We were happy Cabo drunkards out on the night, getting almost as crazy as we get. But we have to admit after 13 years together enjoying each other's company day in day out for 7 days in paradise it was all in good, Cabo fun and I'm sure it won't be the last time we have a similar date night out in Cabo.

Overall we loved our Nick San dinner, were delighted to find Hemingway's mojitos and got our few Cabo trinkets of the trip.

But we were also happy to return to our planned last few days of pure rest & our more laid back scence.

Dinner out at Mi Casa 2008

A wonderful dinner at the beautiful Sunset Monalisa 2010


  1. This post is driving me crazy...but I give up. Why the dinner photos keep going to bottom of the page I have no idea...ahhh....but you can still get the idea even if the photos are crazily out of order!

  2. Love your recap! Wish to be in future pictures from your hide-away! Miss you guys...J and J


We'd love to hear about your favorite meals, restaurants, or wines, as well as anything else you'd like to share.....