
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Spanish Tortilla with Chorizo

Weekend breakfast around here is more appropriately called brunch I suppose given we are far from early risers on weekend mornings. We feel pretty lucky to have a bully that also loves to leisurely rise as we do.

We definitely don't do big breakfasts often as once we are up and about we feel the need to get on with the day I suppose. But this weekend was our 13th wedding anniversary and we choose to stick close to home and enjoy some local scenes and just be in our lovely home that we rarely spend time in during the summer months. 
So a special breakfast was in order.

A few years ago I started making a simple but wonderful Spanish tortilla. Of course since I hadn't made in some time I couldn't find the exact recipe so I just decided to go from what I remembered and add some red peppers and chorizo to make it more appealing to G.

I started with browning the chorizo ,

and then slicing my potatoes on the mandolin. It's kind of funny, I remember thinking when I bought this $30 mandolin about 4 years ago that it would be such a waste because I only made scalloped potatoes once or twice a year. Now I believe it was possibly the best $30 spent on a kitchen gadget. Although we definitely don't  use it daily when we do use it it's a huge time saver in cutting things thin and uniformly. 

Adding some onions, red pepper and basil gave some good flavor to the tortilla too.

It was pretty tasty if we say so ourselves. Our cast iron skillet needs some better seasoning done as it did stick when I turned it over sadly.

But it still tasted great. 

A complete meal in one skillet.
Brunch on the patio is always a great way to kick off a day, anniversary or not.


Tortilla with Chorizo
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil, plus more for serving
  • 1/2 pound bulk chorizo
  • 1 pound Yukon gold potatoes, peeled and sliced inch thick
  • 1 red bell pepper (ribs and seeds removed), thinly sliced
  • 1 medium onion, halved and thinly sliced
  • Coarse salt and ground pepper
  • 8 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil, plus more for garnish
  • 1/2 teaspoon hot sauce

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a medium ovenproof nonstick skillet, 1/2 heat oil over medium. Add chorizo, cook until browned.
    Add potatoes, bell pepper, and onion; season with salt and pepper (skillet will be very full). Cover, and cook, stirring occasionally, until potatoes are crisp-tender, 14 to 16 minutes. Uncover, and cook off excess liquid, 1 to 2 minutes.

  2. In a bowl, whisk together eggs, basil, hot sauce, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and teaspoon pepper. Pour egg mixture over vegetables in skillet, and stir to distribute evenly. With the back of a spatula, press down on vegetables so they lay flat and are submerged.

  3. Bake until tortilla is set, 12 to 16 minutes. To unmold, run a rubber spatula around edge of skillet to release tortilla; invert onto a serving plate. Drizzle tortilla with oil; garnish with parsley.


  1. Buenos días!!! acabo de leer su receta, tiene una pinta estupenda, pero soy española, y la verdad que hay ingredientes que jamás se ponen en una verdadera tortilla española. La original, no lleva ni albahaca, ni pimienta ni salsa picante. Sólo huevos, patatas y si se desea cebolla y chorizo. Además debe llevar más huevo para que quede más cuajadita.


We'd love to hear about your favorite meals, restaurants, or wines, as well as anything else you'd like to share.....