
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Marrow Kitchen and My First Published Restaurant Review

We are pretty excited around here today. In the mail came two copies of the summer issue of a local publication: Showcase Magazine. In actual published print is a page in the magazine with our restaurant review of one of our favorite local restaurants; Marrow Kitchen & Bar. 

Can you say, "CRAZY?" Well we can. We can't count how many times that we have read a great restaurant review in  Food & Wine or watched Anthony Bourdain and said, "Wow, now that's a gig, how do you get that gig?"

All that being said our silly little blog here has no false pretensions of being worthy of either Food & Wine or Anthony Bourdain of No Reservations. But we did start it with the idea of sharing great meals and documenting our thoughts on them. Having them really published, in actual print was so far from what we ever imagined. 

How did this happen? You know the story, somebody knew somebody, who knew my sister who is a huge supporter of our blog and foodie lifestyle. One thing led to another that led to Robin from Showcase Magazine following our blog and which prompted her to contact us to see if we could work together. I explained I'm not a writer and truly most ashamed being a masters level educational leader writing at a 4th grade level...none the less they still wanted us to do this review. 

And we were more than over joyed to take the new challenge on.

We had a great dinner at one of our favorite local restaurants on Showcase Media's dime but our thoughts and opinions are 100% our own. 

To read our review follow the link to Showcase Media's page:

To check out Marrow your self follow the link to their website:
the restaurant.

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