
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April Supper Club: Mexican Made Easy Theme

Our April Supper Club was hosted by Lisa & Derek this month. Lisa was making the main dishes from Mexican Made Easy by Marcella Valladolid and suggested we use her recipes as our theme for the month. Which was a great idea.

Having just returned from Mexico we thought, "perfect." Since we were assigned appetizers G really wanted to make the ceviche tostadas with chipotle creme that we learned to make during a beach side cooking class that we attended when recently in Cabo San Lucas. So we kind of detoured from the assignment  and great idea after all I guess. Sorry Lisa & Derek.

Lisa & Derek generously greeted us all with these fantastically beautiful Mexican Cucumber Martinis. They were quite the "kicker" to start off our Mexican themed feast. And feast it was.

We brought some typical "when in Mexico" starters of sliced cantaloupe and jicama squeezed with lime and sprinkled chile salt. One of G's favorite snacks.

Our main contribution was a  fresh rock fish ceviche to make tostadas with.

Served with a pumpkin chipotle salsa and a chipotle creme and 

our favorite to make; creamy guacamole both made and served in our beloved mocajate.
We love it because it's makes guacamole the most perfect consistency in addition to the fact that it brings back our memorable experience lugging  the whole awkwardly packed 40 pounds of it back on the plane from a Mexico trip several years back. 

Once we were thoroughly stuffed of course we moved into the dining room and onto Lisa's main entree with multiple dishes including; the most delicious corn and poblano lasagna,

creamy corn cups and Mexican style slaw. The lasagna and creamy corn were soooooo good. I can't wait to make both recipes ourselves in the future. By this point I was beyond full.

But Kris & Jeff made my all time favorite dessert Tres Leches Cake. And in my opinion it was spot on scrumptiously good. I had to indulge given it is my favorite and I rarely have the chance to enjoy it. But my full stomach that has been pretty strictly Paleo lately and was hurting on the drive home. But it really was worth it. 

Wow, we can't remember the last time we left Supper Club so stuffed. It was a marvelous meal and a fun theme. All of Marcella's recipes are linked below. We'll post our ceviche, chipotle creme and guacamole recipes in an upcoming future post. 

Can't wait for our May gathering. The word on the street the meal is going to be completely in the hands of the men. This is maybe the third time this has happened for our group in almost 10 years of our club's existence? So it's a treat when the guys step up. 
We'll see if it comes to be.


Mexican Cucumber Martinis - Recipe here
Ceviche Tostadas w/ Chipotle Cream- Recipe soon to come
G&T's Creamy Guacamole- Recipe soon to come
Corn & Poblano Lasagna - Recipe here 
Creamy Corn Cups (Esquites)- Recipe here
Mexican Style Slaw- Recipe here 
Tres Leches Cake- Recipe here 

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