
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

February Supper Club: Pizza Feed

We hosted our past February Supper club gathering a few weekends ago. Usually we spend weeks racking our brains for a unique or challenging theme. But for some reason this time we thought we've never done a pizza feed, let's give it a whirl!

And boy the group stepped up to this "could be simple" but not with this crowd challenge. So yes, we had lots of pizza but all so different. It was actually a very interesting meal overall. Casual and leisurely is how we approached this feast.

Kris & Jeff started us off with 2 totally different appetizer themed pizzas. The first one was a take on one of our favorite appetizers; buffalo chicken wings. 

(Photo Disclaimer/Apology= somehow all of these photos turned out awful because I messed with my settings and still can't seem to get them back to normal. All these photos have a weird hue and aren't kind of fuzzy. Bummer!)

Their Buffalo Chicken Pan pizza was excellent.

Their second pizza was really unique on a pesto cracker type crust topped with marinated olives. It was so flavorful and crisp.

Next we moved on to Veggie themed pizza. Jenni & Arnie brought 2 veggie offerings. The first a caprese themed type pizza with fresh mozzarella and basil and the other a roasted potato topped pie.

Our offerings were 2 of our favorites. The first one is a pizza that has somewhat become our go to signature pizza that was inspired by a Prosser wine tasting weekend. We grill this pizza topped with G's homemade pizza sauce, mole' Salumi salami, arugula, quail eggs, shaved parmesan and red pepper flakes. 

Our second pie was one we attempted to replicate after our favorite Chicago Giordano's stuffed spinach. We had never made deep dish or stuffed pizza before so we were excited to try. Our crust didn't quite turn out but the flavors were pretty amazing.

Lastly, Lisa & Derek treated us to the perfect closure to our pizza feed. A brownie crust pie with strawberries and blueberries and a cream cheese sauce. It truly was the perfect topper to our very filling feast. 

 A great time was had by all. We all felt it was a great meal and we were amazed we made our way through so many different pizza choices.

1 comment:

  1. I am still stuffed but what a great meal. Thanks again for everythign and I love your blog! Jenni


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