
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Smoked Salmon Hash with Poached Eggs and Horseradish Cream

It seems like we are kind of on a breakfast roll lately so we decided to just go with it.

This is a recipe we've shared before but since it's our absolute favorite breakfast of all time we feel it's worth sharing again.

There is nothing better than the flavors of the horseradish cream with the smoked salmon.
It's truly the perfect breakfast for a nice Sunday. 


Smoked Salmon Hash with Poached egg and Horseradish cream
2 Cups quartered Yukon or red potatoes
1 Cup white onion, diced
3-4 cloves garlic, minced
Salt & Pepper
1 Cup heavy cream
1/4 Cup prepared horseradish cream
2 eggs
1 Cup smoked salmon

In cast iron skillet fry quartered baby Yukon & red potatoes. Add diced white onion. Add diced garlic.  Season with salt & pepper and cook until crispy on outside & soft on inside.

While potatoes cook simmer heavy cream with horseradish cream. Simmer until thickened. Chop a bunch of chives Poach eggs for each dish. Add chunks of smoked salmon to potatoes; cook just long enough to heat salmon.
Plate potatoes with salmon. Top with 1 poached egg per plate. Add cream sauce over egg and sprinkle with chopped chives.


  1. my brother-in-law is a butcher and does a fantastic candied/smoked trout. I think I’ll try this recipe using that!

  2. We hope you do, it really is great.


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