
Friday, September 7, 2012

Serrano Citrus Margarita

If you dropped by this space at all this summer you know jalapeño drinks have been frequenting our palates a lot lately. 

Along with jalapeño we've also been experimenting with Serrano chiles as well. This drink , our Serrano Citrus Margarita, kicked off our recent Mexican Flavored Feast

We started with some good blanco or silver tequila. There is no better tequila in my opinion for a margarita than a good blanco. In Mexico we typically use Don Julio because you can get a bottle that cost almost $60 here for around $20. Lately G has been buying this locally made; Espolon brand for margaritas. Blanco tequila along with some lime, orange, serrano and a bit of blue agave nectar for some additional sweetness. 

To replace the usual salt on the rim we used a brand of Mexican chile powder we use often on fruit to keep with our Mexican flavored theme.

This was is a refreshing only slightly spicy margarita that was the perfect kick off to our feast. And it will make a great drink to indulge in this weekend as well.

Happy Friday to you all!


Serrano Citrus Margarita 
2 Limes, squeezed
1/2 orange squeezed
2 shots blanco tequila
1 serrano chile, finely sliced (remove seeds if you want less heat)
1 Tblspn. blue agave nectar
2 cups ice

Pour tequila into shaker, squeeze citrus into shaker with chiles and agave. Muddle with a muddler or end of a wooden spoon. Add ice and shake until shaker is frosty. Use lime to moisten edge of glasses and turn into a bowl of chile powder to rim edges. Pour margarita into glasses, fill with ice. Add wedges of lime & orange.

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