
Monday, September 24, 2012

Fig, Prosciutto and Blue Cheese Pizza

We so look forward to fig season around here. Red wine just tastes better with figs.

And there is truly nothing more tasty with figs than blue cheese in our opinion. 

Throw these two amazing flavors together with some salty prosciutto on a grilled pizza crust and we are 100% in foodie heaven.

Even better with some arugula and some shaved parm on top.

Served with an amazing Milbrandt Red Blend that was perfect with this seasonal pizza.


Fig, Prosciutto and Blue Cheese Pizza
1 refrigerated pizza dough ( we used Trader Joe's brand)
3 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Tablespoon course sea salt
1/2 Cup shredded Gruyere & Swiss cheese
1 prosciutto, cut into strips
1 dozen fresh figs, cut in quarters 
1/2 Cup crumbled blue cheese
Handful of loose arugula
Sprinkle  Red pepper flakes

Roll out pizza dough. Grill until par cooked. Drizzle par cooked pizza dough with olive oil and sea salt. Spread shredded cheese. Top with prosciutto then cut figs and crumbled blue cheese.

Place Pizza back on grill until cheese is melted and crust is browned. Once cooked top with arugula and sprinkle with red pepper flakes.

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