
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Caprese Burger

Wow, we’re are so behind in posts this July. 

It’s because July has been full of this...
Congratulations to my sister Tracy & her new husband Mike

and the past two weeks lots of this.....

so having time to photograph and write about our cooking adventures hasn’t been as high on our priority list as usual.

But there have been some great meals and one includes this burger. We love Caprese salad all through summer at our house so this Caprese Burger hit just the spot. A tasty version of two great summer meals all in one.
This was a definite hit one of the nights during our family vacation on the river.

Caprese Burger adapted from Food & Wine August 2012
1 Cup prepared pesto sauce
1 lb. ground chuck
1 lb. ground sirloin
8 oz. fresh mozzarella, cut into 6 slices
6 Hawaiian style hamburger buns
2 tomatoes sliced
Mix 1/4 cup pesto to a bowl. Add the ground beef, a pinch of salt and gently knead to blend. Form the mixture into 6 patties. Brush each of the burger patties with olive oil.
Start grill, rub with oil. Grill burgers over med-high heat for 3 minutes. Flip. Top w/ mozzarella and close the grill. Cook 3 minutes longer until medium rare. Grill buns lightly toasted then spread some pesto on the bottom bun. Top w/ burgers, the tomatoes and the remaining pesto. Close burgers and serve right away.

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