
Friday, June 15, 2012

Jalapeno Margarita

Yep, you read the title correctly it does say "Jalapeno" Margarita.

Don't run away yet it really is good. And it's not necessarily as spicy or hot as you might think.

G got really excited about these drinks on our Spokane trip a few week's ago (linked) while drinking these insanely good Serrano cilantro drinks. Since then he's been trying to perfect his version.
The original drink that inspired G's version
Sometimes he uses jalapeno, other times he uses Serrano it mostly depends on what we have on hand or what looks best at the market.

The spice is just a slight hint in the background of each drink, unless you add too many seeds or too many chiles.Then you bet you're mouth will be on fire. And of course you can adjust the amount of chile and seeds to your liking.

As we are trying to cut down on sugar we've been using agave syrup lately to replace the sugar and let me tell you agave syrup makes a great cocktail.

For this particular margarita we used Wholesome Sweeteners Organic Raw Blue Agave version that I received as "swag" from the Blogher conference last weekend. The syrup cuts down a step of needing to make your own simple syrup and it tastes even better in our opinion.

We wish you a great weekend and we're pretty sure our Friday will include a few of these jalapeno margaritas.
Give one a try, we dare you!

G's Jalapeno Margarita:
1 oz of good quality blanco (silver) tequila
2 tsp Wholesome Sweetners Organic Raw Blue Agave
2-5 slice of jalapenos w/seeds (depending on tolerance)
1-2 Tbsp of cilantro
4 oz. Club soda
2 limes juiced

In a cocktail shaker add jalapenos, agave, and cilantro and muddle. Add tequila, lime juice, and ice and shake. Pour into a glass and add Club soda-stir. Garnish w/ lime and jalapeno.

1 comment:

  1. Finally a Jalapeno Margarita recipe that doesn't sound like a Sunrise with some veg dropped in. Too many rely on Triple Sec or Gran Marnier. I had a wonderful Jalapeno Margarita a a restaurant in Seattle's Green Lake area that I'd like to replicate at home and your recipe sounds darn close.


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