
Monday, June 11, 2012

Blogher 2012 Seattle: Day 1

My first day at  Blogher Food '12 Seattle was a bit overstimulating. I now know what my new to America students must feel like when they enter their first day in the lunch room:

  1. Everyone is speaking a different language =  at Blogher: blog talk
  2. It's really loud in here = imagine hundreds of excited women, ( there were a few men but mostly women) all overjoyed to be there in one room
  3. Things are different here than where I'm from = everyone so happy and friendly, introducing themselves, welcoming each other, passing out business cards to connect
  4. Wow, I might be in over my head = these people are serious, like these people actually make $$ from blogging, some of them lots of $$
My analogy is not to downplay in anyway what an 8 year old experiences coming straight from Mexico to a Tacoma Public School. I know its life changing for them. But I do think anytime you are pressed out of your comfort zone an overwhelming sensation takes over and I definitely felt this at my first ever food blogging conference last weekend.And the experience could end up being life changing if I keep the inspiration guiding me.

I don't know why I was so surprised at the food spread included with the conference. I mean it was a "foodblogging" conference after all, right. But wow Blogher and their sponsors treated us really, really well. The food was not only impressively displayed but it tasted pretty phenomenal too. At a teacher or principal conference I feel pretty lucky if I show up to hot tea and a bagel.

Day one started with a Keynote by Diane Cu and Todd Porter of White on Rice Couple. I mean I was star struck a bit. The photo tutorials on their blog have taught me so much as a beginner. Their presentation was both motivational and touching. It really struck a chord that blogging is personal and it's the personal stuff that really keeps readers coming back.

I attended 3 good sessions that first day and enjoyed a fabulous lunch with some new Northwest blogger friends: Stacy from Seattle Seedling, Becca from Home is Where My Story Begins (who were both ironically teachers), Melanie from Nutritious Eats, and Joni from Portland Chronicles. It was so great to meet some other local bloggers.
My fav lunch item; deconstructed potato salad- so very Top Chef
It was a great first day and it left me craving more to come on day 2. I have been to a lot, wait let's make  that a ton of educational conferences in my 20 years in education and if I attend a conference that makes me want to come back for day 2 then I am at good one in my book.

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous.. and so happy that you are enjoy it... and aren't Diane and Todd the greatest? Love them!


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