
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Avocado Turkey & Poached Eggs

You may have noticed our posts have slowed down a bit.  A few reasons for this; 1) We're educators, it's springtime = CRAZY time of year for work. 2) After 4 months of grief/hibernation/drowning our sorrows in alcohol we realized we needed a health jump start to get back on track.

We collectively committed to doing the Robb Wolf 30 day Diet Paleo Diet Plan. The science makes sense for biologist G and the disease fighting profits are hitting T's soft spot right now and we could both stand lose a few.

17 days in we're both quite satisfied with both our diet and the results. Now we do have to be honest we have splurged on wine and a few cocktails on the weekends but this is a SIGNIFICANT improvement for us. We figure we can do anything for 30 days. And over half way in we've already discussed this could work for us maybe 80% of the time. I mean I can't live without cheese forever and G can't live without pizza forever. But if those types of indulgences are only 20% of our diet we think our health could be much improved.

Eating Paleo hasn't been a huge shift for us truthfully...we've always been pretty processed foods are NO-NO's . We are completely satisfied with fresh, lean, organic meats. Lots of veggies.  A few fruits. We have cut our all  grains & dairy (including milk in G's coffee and my chai) which may be the largest shift for us. (No brie....ugggh)

But one thing we've started to eat what feels like a ton of our both eggs & avocados.

A new breakfast fav is simply a a few slices of turkey topped with half of a sliced avocado  and completed with a few poached eggs and drizzled with some olive oil. Truly it's delish.

I'm confident that through this shift getting excited about posting our meals and recipes will find it's way...but for now it does feel stumped to some extend. Making rotisserie chicken and steamed vegetables doesn't send me running to get my camera yet...but I know we'll find our way.

Don't give up on following us...we'll have delish dishes again in our future we guarantee!

1 comment:

  1. Are You Having Trouble FOLLOWING with your Paleo Diet?

    Want to munch on some tasty recipes TONIGHT?

    Download your awesome Paleohacks Cookbook.


We'd love to hear about your favorite meals, restaurants, or wines, as well as anything else you'd like to share.....