
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Salted Caramel Kiss Pies

Having a little more downtime these past 2 weeks than usual I finally got a chance to get addicted learn to love Pinterest. Warning don't start if you need to accomplish anything else in your life like; working out, cleaning the bathroom, doing laundry, gathering your tax stuff.
No shocker here....the majority of my pins are food related. Today I decided to actually choose a few pins that I'd actually cook this week. Of the first Pinterest found recipes on my list were these, Kiss Pies, from the Picky Palate.

Having recently picked up some Hershey Caramel kisses for a few of my most loved "sweeties" on Valentine 's day I had the idea to use the caramel kisses & gray salt to feed another addiction of ours: salted caramels.

My disdain for baking is very connected to the multiple ingredients usually needed and the mess often related to baking. So this recipe with just 4 ingredients deserved an attempt.

I actually found an appropriately sized biscuit cutter to help me out with cutting the circles around the caramel kisses.

I then sprinkled a bit of sea salt around the kiss inside the pie dough circle. Another warning : it doesn't take much course salt to get just sprinkle lightly.

Next I criss-cross pinched the pies ( go to the Picky Palate Kiss pie link see great step by step instructions.)

Make sure to fully pinch and seal the pies,  I really can't emphasize this enough, more about this to follow.

I was able to make 24 pies out of one pie round. After they were all very cutely crimped I brushed them with the egg wash. Actually I gave up brushing after just a few, since they are so petite it was easier to spread the wash with my fingers.

Next I mixed just a teaspoon course gray salt with 2 Tablespoons granulated sugar and then sprinkled all of the little pies.

They baked 25 minutes. And all of the little cuties I didn't fully seal melted out. This is why I recommend crimping and sealing carefully if you choose to use caramel kisses, (of course you could use any type of kiss.)

But the ones I sealed well turned out great. I sprinkled them with some powdered sugar to finish.

A yummy little chocolate salted caramel pie bite in my mouth is the result.


Salted Caramel Kiss Pies

1 refrigerated pie crust, thawed
24 Caramel Hershey Kisses
1 egg white whisked with 1 Tbsp water
About 2 Tablespoons course gray salt
2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
Powdered sugar for dusting

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Roll out pie dough onto a lightly floured counter top.  Use an appropriately sized biscuit cutter that leaves approximately a half inch all the way around the kiss. 

2. Sprinkle course gray salt around the kiss inside of the pie circle.

3. Fold half of pie dough around top of dough and pinch edge around top of kiss.  Now, fold up both sides of remaining dough up to the tip of the kiss pinching edge.  Now press together edges and form criss cross.
4. Brush all little pies with an egg white wash then sprinkle with the gray salt, granulated sugar mixture.

5.. Bake for 20-28 minutes or until little pies are golden. Remove and let cool for 5 minutes before transferring to cooling rack. Dust each with powdered sugar and serve.
about 24 little pies.

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