
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Supper Club: Sushi Night

We love to host Supper Club in June because it's usually nice enough to be out on the patio and our house is the smallest of all the couples and being outside allows for more space. We also love to host Supper Club in December because it's Christmas and it's festive.
When we do get the opportunity to host in December we try our best to go away from the typical holiday themes. We really try to choose themes that push us to try something new or a new technique, just something different than a regular dinner party that we might host.

We love to go out for sushi, on occasion buy it pre-made at our local Metropolitan Market but we have never attempted to make it ourselves. I had been throwing around the idea of choosing to do sushi the next time we hosted supper club for awhile. I bounced it off a few other couples in October and November and finally decided to just go for it. No one amongst the group would consider themselves sushi experts, some were pretty new to sushi , especially raw fish. This seemed like a theme we needed to do.

We researched for weeks how to best pull this off. I spent a lot of time researching sushi "how to's. The Pioneer Woman had some great stuff: here and My Sushi Daddy (here) had a great tutorial on how to best roll the rolls.

We went out and found some of the supplies we didn't have including sushi mats, nori (dried seaweed sheets) and japanese mayo to make the spicy sauce.

We finally narrowed it down to several different rolls. We had each couple bring a protein and another needed ingredient.
G & T's favorite sushi ingredient; Sashimi Grade Ahi Tuna

When everyone had arrived we started with appetizers; edamame, gyoza and these very beautiful Zucchini "sushi" rolls (all veggie here.)

After enjoying some appetizers and some warm sake that Shannon & Robin brought to share we then all watched the Sushi Daddy tutorial on how to roll. We all agreed watching this helped SO MUCH! None of the couples including us had ever made sushi before.

Next we divided the recipes and ingredients amongst the couples and we all got busy.

Derek & Lisa made the Sweet Chicken Chili Maki Roll made with shredded chicken and sweet chile sauce.

Kris & Jeff took on the Dunwell rolls made with tempura shrimp.

Shannon & Robin made the American style California roll made with imitation crab and mango.

G & I took on the Crazy Tuna roll and some spicy tuna rolls (our favorite to order at any sushi restaurant.)

We were actually all pretty surprised that it was easier to roll successfully than we expected it to be.

Everyone just kind of went for it and it worked.

Earlier in the day we had prepared some tasty sauces to accompany our creations: spicy sauce (Japanese mayo & sriracha a supper club favorite evidently), Ginger Sauce, Hot Garlic Chile Sauce and Ponzu sauce. We served the sauces along with the usually expected pickled ginger, soy sauce, wasabi and roasted sesame seeds.

The spread was pretty impressive.

We had a great time enjoying our labors.

We were all a bit surprised how filling our meal was.
After some more sake, wine and our fill of sushi we had a very simple dessert of dessert sushi.

Yep, those are rice krispy treats with Swedish fish and fruit rolls. Which actually was pretty perfect as we were all pretty stuffed so just a little fun sweet treat was plenty to cap off the night.

It was a fun hands on supper club. Everyone was a great sport given every little counter spot in our 1940 kitchen was pretty much put to use with all of us making our rolls and all of the ingredients needed.

It was a great night and has become a holiday favorite to spend time with this great group of folks who have become so dear to us.

We are all pretty sure we feel confident enough to make sushi on our own again!

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