
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

All About Wine on Wednesday: Napa Reunion

This last weekend we gathered together at Rebekah & Darrin's house for our Napa Wine Trip Reunion.
This past August we had a memorable trip to Napa & Sonoma with some fabulous people and we were all looking forward to gathering again to share some of our wine finds from our trip together. ( I of course volunteered to document our fun, but am falling short on doing it well. I recently received a desired birthday gift of a new lens for the camera I'm still learning how to use and evidently when you switch out lenses you also have to switch some buttons on the lens...anyway that and enjoying myself so much I didn't realize at the time that my photos weren't exactly in focus.
So just know in real life everything looked even better :) )

We were all brought together on this trip last August by Tracy & Mike.

Tracy's celebration of her 40th birthday and graduation from her esthetician program was the initial reason to make the trip happen. She of course invited us and her best gal pal Rebekah and Mike invited his sister Kristy and her husband
Ranger Mike. Who would of known for a group of folks that half of them didn't know the other half before.... that such a fabulous vacation would be had? Not sure, but boy wine really seems to bring people together I suppose.

Yeah, we definitely had a good time and I know G & I can't wait to go back again.

This last weekend Rebekah and her husband Darrin (who unfortunately couldn't make the Napa trip with us) had all four couples out to their lovely home somewhere in the middle of nowhere, I mean somewhere between Olympia and Shelton.

We convoyed out to their beautiful home on acreage following Tracy & Mike's lead, each toting a couple of our bottles brought home from the trip:

There were bottles from Jacuzzi, Artessa, Buena Vista, Sterling and Castello de Amoroso after a tour of Darrin & Rebekah's beautiful home we all got comfy with a glass of wine and some cheese and crackers.

Rebekah went all out in setting a fabulous table and making an even more fabulous meal.

Some beautiful organic pork chops with tarragon sauce, delicious roasted brussel sprouts with pancetta and an amazing dish with quinoa and roasted mushrooms (that I must remember to ask where to get the recipe for.)

Again a great time was had by all hosted by our lovely hostess & host.

There was no shortage of "fowl related" and "massage" stories, laughter and fun at our gathering.

Dinner was capped off by a phenomenal flour less chocolate cake with drunken raspberries & fresh whipped cream along with some specially poured St. Francis Port from previous trip to Napa taken by Rebekah & Darrin together.

We had such a great night Rebekah & Darrin thanks for having us all! We enjoyed so much remembering the great vacation we had while drinking wonderful wine from the trip.

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