
Monday, November 21, 2011

November Supper Club with a Belgian Theme

This month our supper club was hosted by Kris & Jeff who are currently house hunting but pulled it off anyway (gotta love family.)

Given the time of year and colder conditions their Belgian stew, Carbonnade a la Flamande, was the perfect dish to build our meal around.

We started with some great cheeses and Jenni's homemade liver pate' served with both bread and jicama and red peppers.

After catching up on each other's lives; Arnie's perspective surgery needs, Robin & Shannon's possible extended stay in Peru, Jeff & Kris' lack of luck finding that just right next home and G's first day skiing of the season it was time to move to the table and the next course.

G & I brought a fall salad made with Kale, Pine nuts, Dried Cherries & Parmesan found on epicurious (the recipe: linked) called for currants we subbed out dried cherries instead.

Robin & Shannon brought some beautiful bread that Robin had made. Wow, it really looked and tasted like bakery fresh bread. It was fantastic.

Next it was time for the Belgian stew and it was spectacular over the egg noodles.

As usual there was lots of great stories, sharing and wine to be had at the dinner table as well.

I am so bummed Jeff had made a wonderful pecan pie for dessert in absence of Derek and Lisa who were home with a sick kiddo and I didn't get a photo of it. (Sorry Jeff) but I can tell you it looked and tasted pretty professionally made.

It was great night.


  1. It was a meal to remember as usual, I love our club!

  2. Love your posts, Tammy! Will show this one to my Mom so she knows how much we appreciated hosting at her house. So great to see you all last weekend! Kris


We'd love to hear about your favorite meals, restaurants, or wines, as well as anything else you'd like to share.....