
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Breakfast with A Kick, a Few Tips & One Gadget

When we came across this recipe for Avocado Eggs Benedict posted on The Foodie Bride's site we knew this was something we had to make.

I mean avocado, bacon and a chipotle hollandaise sauce...what's not to like? Our kind of flavors all together.

I had headed out for my morning walk with my neighbor and had told G to eat light because when I return we'd be making this recipe for a Friday morning brunch.

I knew immediately upon reading the recipe that I wanted to make one adjustment. Instead of using an English Muffin I envisioned using a grilled crusty bread. I just imagined with the textures of the avocado and egg that grilled bread would be great.

 Before I went for my walk I took a half loaf of rustic bread out of the freezer. (Tip #1: Usually it's just 2 of us for dinner and we never eat a full loaf of fresh bread. So I also freeze the remainder in a freezer bag. That we we always have easy access to bread.)

When I returned from my walked I started the bacon. (Tip #2: We never fry bacon in a skillet. I line a baking sheet with foil and depending on if we want a flat crispy bacon=we insert cookie racks, If we want a curly bacon we just cook it on the foil. This tip we found years ago has improved our bacon cooking immensely. And the mess is now a snap to deal with...let the bacon fat cool & coagulate and then throw out the foil.)

I then sliced and

mashed the avocado.

 I added a bit of salt & pepper but nothing else.

I sliced and then broiled
two slices of the bread.

For the hollandaise sauce I

squeezed into the blender some lemon,

 1 chipotle with adobe sauce

(Tip #3: When we open a can of chipotles, and of course we rarely use more than 1 or 2 at a time, we put the rest individually with a bit of the sauce into snack sized zip locs and then all in one sandwich bag and freeze them. When we need a chipotle or two we just take a bag or two out of the freezer and run it under a little hot water and we are set. We cook with chipotle a lot and this has been a great way to save time and mess.)

Next I separated the egg yolks for the hollandaise.

(The Gadget: G is not a gadget guy. He prefers mostly old school type of methods. Me, on the other hand, love a gadget or two. And this is one of the ones I will always have. It's a Tupperware Egg Separator. I'm telling you it's just something I gotta have around. It works well for me. If it were up to him he'd have it out of our cooking drawer immediately.)

I swirled the melted butter into the blender and

this lovely orange hollandaise sauce was created.

I smeared the bread with the avocado and
once the bacon was done 

we added the bacon to the bread.

Now it was time to poach the eggs, a technique that I still haven't yet perfected,

 but am enjoying trying.

Breakfast, or rather Brunch, was ready.

G set the patio table and

we had our wonderful dish on the patio.

G was happy to see I cooked his egg much more to his preference this time.

We both are very thankful to the Foodie Bride for sharing this recipe. We loved it and know it will be a regular brunch recipe that we will return to again and again!


We'd love to hear about your favorite meals, restaurants, or wines, as well as anything else you'd like to share.....