
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Roasted Cauliflower

Have you tried roasted cauliflower yet? Oh My you must.

literally one year ago Memorial Day weekend our friends J&J introduced us to this wonderful treat.

We spice it up based on our flavor craving of the day and snack is on. We indulge in this dish pretty much as a snack..late day...before dinner...of course it also makes a fine side dish. However you choose to indulge you must.

It's a great way to some needed veg without crunching on a raw carrot (not that we are against raw carrots in any way.
Raw carrots, peppers, snap peas....are in our daily lunch bags frequently) but they are never quite this tasty to be honest.

This is how we like to enjoy our cauliflower treat:

Slice a head of cauliflower crosswise in slices thick enough to stay in clusters but thin enough to get some carameliziation and browned while roasting (maybe a half inch to an inch thick....measurements not my strong suit.)

Next place them in a large bowl with a few tablespoons of olive oil, cumin, curry powder, red pepper flake and salt and pepper.

Give them a good toss.

Place them on a baking sheet.

Place in a 450 degree oven for 20-30 minutes turning half through until they are brown, steaming and caramelized.

If you haven't had cauliflower prepared this way you might be surprised how tasty it can be. It's almost like popcorn with some "kick."

We love it!

1 comment:

  1. Yum!! I'm growing cauliflower this summer for roasting. Can't wait!


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