
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Grilled Shrimp with Jalapeno & Lime

We've been in a spicy kind of food mood of late, (maybe it's because the weather is so cold outside we have to warm up from the inside out?) So when we found this recipe for Spicy Grilled Jalapeno and Lime Shrimp on Envie: In the mood for food blog it was right up our "current" craving alley. To get the recipe follow the link to their site.

It was Sunday and during the school year Sunday is our usual day to do some cooking. And as soon as the weather is warm enough that's usually on the grill.

We did our trip to Metropolitan Market to pick up some shrimp and we also grabbed a few oysters as G has been wanting to make some on the grill.

We then came home and made a pitcher of margaritas, since we were squeezing limes anyway.

First we grilled our oysters on the grill.

I made a cilantro, lime & horseradish cocktail sauce to accompany them.

Which was quite spicy and yummy on the oysters.

Next we squeezed our limes,

grilled a jalapeno

and chopped some garlic for the shrimp.

The marinade went into the food processor and then the shrimp marinated for about 40 minutes before we put them on the skewers.

We grilled them for about 3-4 minutes per side, just enough to get them translucent and pink.

To go with our shrimp I prepared an avocado and tomato salad. Just sliced with a squeeze of lime, salt & pepper and sprinkling of cilantro. ( A typical summer time favorite of ours.)

We opened a bottle of  Three Pears Pinot Gris that a friend gave to us today for helping her move.

After removing the shrimp from the skewers I topped it with some reserved marinade.

We enjoyed our meal.

We recommend not letting your shrimp marinate for more than 15-20 minutes. 40 minutes was too long, it made the shrimp start to turn to ceviche of sorts which meant they were just a tad mealy for being grilled. But the flavors were great together.

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