
Monday, May 30, 2011

A Seattle Afternoon and The Brave Horse Tavern

If you are a foodie in Seattle you are likely to have been to a Tom Douglas restaurant or two.

We are serious Tom Douglas fans; visited many of his restaurants, watched several appearances he's had on Iron Chef, Martha Stewart and various TV guest spots and own his famous Seattle Kitchen cookbook.

If you are not familiar with Tom here is a video spot he was on during Easter.

In Seattle he is a restaurant god of sorts I suppose.

Well G had attended a conference in Seattle last weekend and noticed the plethora of new restaurants popping up in the South Lake Union area of town. And he noticed Tom had several in the area. We were intrigued and invited my sister & Mike to join us for an afternoon in Seattle to check out at least one of his new places.

Immediately upon arriving we parked right by his Dahlia Works, Serious Pie & Soul Wine. Sadly all three were closed on this Sunday afternoon.

But we walked around the corner to find our intended Tom Douglas destination; Brave Horse Tavern.

G had researched the menu and thought it was a must visit.

We went upstairs to enter the tavern and entered into a modern but rustic "saloon" type of ambiance. Upscale cowboy bar might be a fairly accurate description. Regardless of the perfect descriptive words we liked what we saw and especially liked what we smelled.

We got settled, ordered some beverages of the adult variety

and two fresh baked pretzels with 3 different smears; a smoked peanut butter & bacon, pimento cheese and my favorite the crispy bacon with sour cream and chive.

The pretzels were piping hot and delicious. These may replace my other fav Tom Douglas treat; his homemade doughnuts served at Lola. The pretzels with dip were perfect with our beer and held us over while we waited for our main course sandwiches.

G had the Deep Fried Turkey Breast

Mike had the Beef Burger w/ Poblano Chile

Tracy had the Pastrami

And I had the grilled albacore tuna

They all came with these super delish fresh fresh fries.
We each really enjoyed our meals. This is a place we'll definitely visit again and again.

After our very filling meal we decided to head over to the Fremont area to check out the Sunday Market and maybe grab a margarita or two.

We parked right in front of Theo Chocolate so a quick trip inside was a given for us all.

We sampled a few tastes of chocolate including a dark chocolate with coconut that was tasty. And of course we each walked away with a few chocolate treats to go.

Salted caramels and bark were in our to go bag.

We then hit the Fremont Sunday Market just as most of the vendors were packing up for the day .

 But G had time to admire and try to figure out how we can get one of these pizza ovens for our backyard.

And then the bacon vendor was found. G indulged in a 4 pack of bbq bacon and chipotle bacon bags. Tracy walked away with the chocolate covered bacon. (Didn't personally like the chocolate covered bacon at all.)

On that note it was time for margarita at the El Camino. One of G & I's favorite places for margaritas.

It was a nice afternoon full of great food and fun in Seattle. We can admittedly say we have yet to try a Tom Douglas restaurant we haven't loved.

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