
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

An Impromptu Patio Party

Yippee! Finally the sun is shining, the clouds have parted and it's a whooping 62 degrees hurry break out the patio necessities and let's have an impromptu patio party.

Literally  I believe G called me @ 3 to say "let's have people over" and by 6 we were in full patio party mode. I was dragging up the Adirondack chairs and the whole shebang.
even the neighbors kitty was telling us we needed to be out on the patio for this glorious evening
That's what sunshine does to this warmth deprived area of the world. We uncovered the grill and got ready to cook.

The menu was simple:
Sliced Jicama with Lime & Cayenne

Chipotle Chicken Sopes (more about these later this week)

Cheese & Meats

Marinated Flank Steak

Halibut with Avocado Salsa

 Mexican Style Israeli Couscous

Grilled Asparagus

Our friends arrived

The food was prepared

and we had a superb evening on the patio.

Some game called "corn hole" was played

Laughing & competition continued after the meal. We were so happy to finally have this kind of weather to entertain and enjoy the beauty of a nice day with some great food.


  1. ahhh look at you guys basting in the sunshine, I'm will be sure to send you some of our 90 degree weather your way (over here in Florida we hide from that - we are pathetic!)

    BUT! I got to say I'm envious of your nice green yard... saddly not only does that 90 degree cooks us up, but so does our yard, which has not chance surviving those intense rays...

    Told you, we are pathetic. And oh, your FOOD all looks yum! yum!

  2. Lovely! I can't believe what ahuge menu you cooked...All looked yummy adn yes, your yard looks fabulous!


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