
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Breakfast for Two

We had a phenomenal day on the mountain skiing the day before Easter.
Mt. Rainier April 23, 2011 from the top of Crystal Mountain
We had the wonderful opportunity to take my niece & nephew up for possibly the best day of spring skiing I've experienced in my life. So we skied and skied and had a great time.
Crystal Mountain
This was great but it made for tired bodies and souls the morning of Easter. Which was just fine as we don't have little ones to hide baskets and eggs for early in the morn. So we took full advantage of this "perk" and slept in. Dinner wasn't until late in the afternoon at T's mom's house. When we woke we both had a craving for something different. 
Abeja Vineyards, Walla Walla, Washington
One of the two fabulous breakfasts we were served at The Abeja Inn in Walla Walla last August was this great creamed baked egg.We still remember how wonderful it was.
Abeja Inn, Walla Walla, Washington
Abeja Inn, Walla Walla, Washington
And while flipping through our Gutsy Cooks The Illustrated Kitchen Bible cookbook I came across a recipe for Baked Eggs in Cream that looked similar. We decided this looked like the perfect late morning, Easter breakfast for this Foodie Couple.

We cooked shallots and garlic in olive oil and then added Tarragon and whipping cream before removing from the heat.

We then divided the shallot mixture and cracked 1 egg each into two ramekins. Added cream to each ramekin.

Next we mixed together shredded swiss cheese, bread crumbs and chives and added salt & pepper.

We put both ramekins on a sheet pan and baked them in a 325 degree oven for 10-15 minutes. T likes a firmer egg so T's stayed in longer than G's.

It was a nice change of breakfast pace for us. Not as great as what we had at The Abeja Inn but quite good just the same.

Baked Eggs in Cream Recipe from The Illustrated Kitchen Bible

2 tbsp olive oil
4 small shallots, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tbsp tarragon, chopped
3/4 Cup heavy cream
4 large eggs
3 tbspn gruyere (we used swiss)
1 tbsp dry bread crumbs (we used panko)
1 tbsp finely chopped chives
salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 324 degrees. Heat oil in frying pan over low. add shallots & garlic, cook 'til golden. Add tarragon and 2 tbsp of cream

spread equal amounts for shallot mixture amongst 4 ramekins. Crack an egg into each dish. Equally divide the remaining cream amongst the ramekins.

Mix together cheese, bread crumbs and chives season w/ pepper. Place ramekins on baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so good! Seeing as I have two dozen local eggs right now, I think I'll be trying it this weekend. xo


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