
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rick Bayless' Creamy Chicken & Greens with Roasted Poblano and Carmelized Onion

My honey is back home in the Northwest where he belongs and what better way to really welcome him back than to make a meal inspired by his fav Chef Rick Bayless. Ever since we got his cookbook Fiesta At Rick's this particular recipe has had my eye.

Creamy Chicken and Greens with Roasted Poblano and Caramelized Onion. ( Again this recipe is linked and easily found on Rick's website....I've been so surprised how many of his recipes from the book are freely available on his website too.)

It can be used as a taco filling but after making it we think it could be just as good served with Mexican rice too.

First we chilled a bottle of Mercer Chardonnay (our current favorite chardonnay) because this recipe just screamed to be paired with a creamy chardonnay.

Then I gathered the short ingredient list:

Next I roasted the poblano chiles in the broiler (way to nasty out to venture out to the grill on this particular evening.)

The rest came together super easily. Brown the chicken in a skillet, remove when almost done.

Caramelize some onions; this really made the flavor outstanding, so give them the time to get really good and caramelized if you make this dish you won't be disappointed by the wait! Add some chopped garlic & then 5 cups of greens. I had baby spinach so that's all that I used but Rick calls for a mixture of greens. Then cook down the greens by adding some chicken broth and thyme.

The last step is to add the Mexican crema and chicken back to the mixture and bring back to temperature.

We enjoyed the dish with our favorite go to veggie; roasted asparagus. We grill asparagus several times a week during the summer. But on days like today in rainy Tacoma we've adapted our 2nd favorite preparation which is to toss it with a little olive oil and lots of ground pepper and put in the oven under the broiler until it starts to get crispy & brown..sooooo good!

We served our rich, creamy, absolutely delicious chicken dish with some warm fresh tortillas, chunks of avocado and cilantro. The Chardonnay paired perfectly.

Really this dish you must make. It was super easy on a Monday night, didn't even start until after 7:00 and dinner was on the table within 30 minutes.

I think this is recipe #6 we've made from the Fiesta at Rick's cookbook so far and it has yet to let us down. We are still working toward completing every recipe and we're enjoying our attempts along the way to this goal.  

1 comment:

  1. This sounds delicious; I will have to try it on my family!


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