
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chicken Posole

We've all heard chicken soup is truly a cure all when we are sick. And without fail if either of us are feeling under the weather we're craving some sort of chicken soup. But for us it's rarely chicken noodle. G was actually thinking more of an Asian hot & sour but my taste buds had a desire for posole this weekend and since I had more energy to cook than he did my taste buds won over.

Now for the kids in my school from Mexico Posole is usually something very different than this more of a pork stew. But one of our Supper Club friends Robin made this chicken version of posole from Cooking Light: Recipe Link several years ago and it's now our go to favorite.

It's light, flavorful and delicious. Since G has been trying to follow Rick Bayless' way of cooking the past few years he thought we'd tweak the cooking light recipe this time and roast the tomatillos, jalapeno and garlic first. So we went down that route for this recipe this weekend.

Roasted tomatillos
First we roasted the tomatillos and then the jalapenos and garlic before pureeing them in the blender.

We used a rotisserie chicken that I diced up and 2 cups of white onion.

Diced chicken and pureed tomatillos

Since the chicken is already cooked it's a pretty quick recipe to put together this way. I added organic chicken broth and onion to the dutch oven and cooked until the onions were soft, about 15 minutes then added the chicken, roasted tomatillos, jalapeno and garlic and cooked another 10-15 minutes just to bring the flavors together.

We then topped with a Mexican style crema and a good squeeze of lime.

 The posole was wonderfully satisfying to our congested heads. The roasted flavors gave it a fantastic twist and really brought out those great aromas that we had to really fight through our fogginess to find but they were there.

Just as good if not better for lunch the next day too
I don't know that it cured what ails us yet, but it was definitely a satisfying start.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! I can't wait to try this. Hope you two feel better soon.


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